Case Studies

Man Up Opportunity Knocks Awards for All

This program was developed due to a local provision changing its constitution which left a gap for

young people mainly male of 13 and above. We wanted to get the role of the male accross to the

young people involved hence “Man Up”. We took the group to a church in a mainly Asian populated

area of the city. We used this as a base and had an Asian session leader helping with the delivery and

transport throughout the program. We used a vairiety of activities such as Golf, Archery, Fishing,

Cycling and Martial Arts for Behavioural Therepy. The group learned that in life we have to work to

have the luxuries that they wanted. We also wanted to give them a better understanding of

differant cultures throughout the program. The young people were from a part aof the bradford

District that falls into the top 10% of the most deprived estates in the country. We used the locla

social housing landlords training platform in giving the young people the chance to try some trade

related skills.


Our outcomes from the program were that as a group the young people gelled really well, they set

up a running group together and reduced their smoking habits. Using the Martial Arts Gym, one

young person joined the gym along with his mother and younger brother with one young person

joining another local center. We created a greater appreciation for others and of facilities such as

the local golf club where we created caddying opportunities. One young person who was not

attending school as reengaged back into education with the help of the program and we helped one

older boy get a job. We also provided AQA accreditation through the program. The youth worker has

advised us that the general behaviour of the boys have improved with the input from the program.

Maybe they have started to ” Man Up”

Sport England – Skills for Life

Ours skills for life program was developed after working with a local Pupil Referral Unit who had

come to have some golf coaching. We put together after consultation with a number of pastoral

managers and head teachers an alternative provisions program. The program was developed

through AQA accreditation at Level 2, which is GCSE C to A*. The unit award is in PE Sport and Work

Related Learning.

The program was targeting young people who were either excluded from mainstream school and

those who were Special Education Needs, and those who needed a confidence boost. The program

has been supported by Sport England Funding and also by school Funding and runs for a 10/12 week

period. The young people learn about health and safety in the workplace, and have to complete a

risk assessment and report as part of their submitted work. We also look at employee rights, and the

roles and responsibilities of those who work in golf facilities. The financial costs of running a club are

also part of the submitted work, where the young people have to input data onto a spread sheet and

answer a number of questions relating to the business.


In the time that this program has been delivered we have had a number of successes. We have had

young people take up the game of golf and feel more comfortable in accessing different golf

facilities. We have had participants re-engage back in their education and go on to achieve good

results. We have had participants come off head teachers reports having been on the program and

had one young person state that the program helped them with their anger issues. The program

continues to be successful with the repeat work we get from the schools. The program has been

recognised by the Golf Foundation in receiving the Mackenzie Award at the annual awards ceremony

at Wentworth Golf Club where we took two young people.

The work and outcomes on the program has also lead to additional work in a schools helping with

Maths and English due to the ability of staff getting some of the young people to do things that the

staff in school can’t get them to do.

This resulted in 8 boys who failed Maths with U in the spring, all get C’s re-sitting in the November.

We also had success with the following year with only 1 out of 10 getting a U, the remainder getting

a mixture of D’s C’s and 1 B.